27 Ottobre – H.20:00
Congrega del Rosario
Quartetto Degas
Francesca Montella, violoncello
Pietro Naclerio, pianoforte
Giulia Romano, viola
Mauro Tamburo, violino
Musiche di: J. Brahms, J. Turina, W. A. Mozart
All events held in the Churches of San Luca and San Gennaro, in San Luca square and at Zingone palace are free.
Seat reservation is mandatory for events that will take place in the Congrega del Rosario.
The cost of the ticket is:
10.00 € for residents
15.00 € for non-residents
The ticket can be purchased on site and paid in cash or by credit card.
TEL: +39 333 9657612
TEL: +39 333 3365366
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